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Elementary School Classmates

5th Grade

James Madison Elementary

Courtesy of Gail (Holton) Berk


Top Row:  #1 Scott Rose, #2 Stan Perea, #3 Robert Wagner, #4 Dale McClain, #6 Chris Thompson, #7 John Spousta

Row 2:  Odette Olivier, #2 Pam Wise, #3 Helen Willing, #5 Kathy Boschke, #6 Elaine Walker, #8 Karen Stanfill

Row 3:  #1 Gwen Neet, #3 Gerry Hartmaier, #4 Linda Bristol, #5 Judy Szasa, #6 Tom Zychek, #7 George Morales, #8 Dave Sauro

Row 4:  #1 Connie Mangham, #2 Gail Holton, #4 Connie Bretz, #5 Debbie Clayton, #6 Patty Lyle, #8 Bruce Whitlock


If you know someone who has not been identified in the photo above, please contact us with identification using the following message box.  Be sure to include the row and position of student.

James Madison Elementary

Courtesy of Gentry Edes


Top Row:  #2 Cheryl ?, #7 Kathy Pence, #8 Carol Robertson

Row 2:  #2 Steve Schroeder, #3 Ray Francis, #4 Bill McCord, #8 Sue Lind, #9 Sue Rochambeau

Row 3:  #2 Linda Maison, #4 Joan Goszewski, #5 Linda Fuller, #6 Julie Skelton, #9 Maureen Merrifield

Row 4:  #1 Albert Leon, #2 Don Deckard, #3 Gayle Hartman, #4 Gentry Edes, #5 Dave Dalmas, #6 Pat Lewis, #7 Rene Pagan,

          #9 Armand Sumner


If you know someone who has not been identified in the photo above, please contact us with identification using the following message box.  Be sure to include the row and position of student.

Katella Elementary

Courtesy of Linda (Parker) Adams


Top Row:  #1 Peggy Crews, #2 Alexis Bowers;, #3 Peggy Bryan, #4 Lorelei Benedict, #5 Linda Byars, #6 Jim Davis, #7 Mark Lindersmith,

          #8 Jan Andrade

Row 2:  Pam Hodge, #2 Sydnee Arth, #3 Linda Mantay, #4 Jim Doyle, #5 Jim Gleason, #6 Gary Wilhelm, #7 Larry Rich, #8 John Scoby,

          #9 Ana Maria

Row 3:  #1 Pam Maahs, #2 Barbara Robinson, #3 Merton Zahl, #4 John Replogle, #5 Craig Turner, #6 Jim Dyer, #7 Fred Davis,

          #8 Kathy Cox, #9 Joyce Burgess

Row 4:  #1 Nancy Crouse, #2 Rick Harvey, #3 Mike Swearingen, #4 Eleanor Hopkins, #5 Thomas Thrienen, #6 Kathy Edgell,

          #7 Paul Worrell, #8 John Meier, #9 Linda Parker

Row 5:  #1 Rick Hand, #9 Patricia Mues


If you know someone who has not been identified in the photo above, please contact us with identification using the following message box.  Be sure to include the row and position of student.

Katella Elementary

Courtesy of Phil Delgado


Top Row:  #3 Jeff Koskela, #5 Don Crawford, #7 Dan Thomas

Row 2:  #2 Ted Chetakian, #4 Don Plecher, #5 Melody Tabor, #8 Mike Perkins, #9 Linda Bates

Row 3:  #1 Doug Crimmel, #2 Nonee Wilson, #3 Gordon Gibbons, #5 Mark Malone, #7 Grant Guthrie, #8 Carol Hartman,

          #9 Rick Navarrete 

Row 4:  #1 Louise Osing, #3 Elaine Ford, #4 Cheri Lessley, #6 Phil Delgado

Row 5:  #8 Dan Tetzlaff, #9 Paul Losness


If you know someone who has not been identified in the photo above, please contact us with identification using the following message box.  Be sure to include the row and position of student.

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