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Saxon Alumni:


Here we are at the very end of our 50th Reunion Year.  I think I speak for the majority, reunions always end up something we're happy we put forth the effort to go to.  There will be more.  We're not done yet.  Certainly we'll continue until we hit the 75th.  A couple of us might be at that one.  Maybe we'll continue until "the last man standing."  Picture what that award will look like.



The Event Pages:  I will leave the reunion website untouched for another three months of 2018.  Please grab the photos you want because there will not be an announcement when I remove it.  I will leave it intact until April 1, 2018.



Elementary School:  I will leave the reunion website untouched for another three months of 2018.  Please grab the photos you want because there will not be an announcement when I remove them.  I will leave it intact until April 1, 2018.



"Minnie" Reunion: Because we are coming to the close of our 50th Reunion Year there is no point in continuing with an official "Minnie" Reunion.  So the final "Minnie" Reunion will take place in December with specifics announced in the Facebook (FB) group as usual.


Moreover, we four girls in the High Desert have vowed to keep up monthly luncheons together but they will not be publically announced henceforth.  Classmates, including the boys (Jay), are welcome as well.  So if you find yourself available to join us "up the hill," just drop me a note or FB message with intentions and we'll be happy to work you in.


As mentioned in previous postings, there will soon be a Cracker Barrel in Victorville.  After the initial crowd dies down I will make a personal FB posting announcing our intentions to have a luncheon there so that those who have expressed an interest might want to join us for that one.  Expected opening is Feb. 2018.  



Loara '67 50th Reunion Group:  With the announcement of the final "Minnie" Reunion,  in the Facebook group, will come the closing of the "Loara '67 Alumni 50th Reunion" group.  Apropos since we're done with these types of discussions and announcements.  Next time hopefully there won't be bashing in the group and we can keep it open for any member's posting without the approval stipulation.  I'm sorry this stipulation had to be implemented  because of the ill intentions contrary to the original purpose for the group.



My Personal Facebook:  I will be thinning out my personal FB Friends, eliminating those who don't ever appear in comments or acknowledgements of my posts.  No point in my contributing to the congestion of your newsfeeds.  I will make a personal announcement on FB and if you'd like to remain my FB Friend, just let me know.  I'm happy to keep any of you around that still love me.



Shout-Out:  For your convenience and because it seems every month someone reports not receiving the Shout-Out, I will post this final Shout-Out on the reunion website on its own tabbed page.



Thank you for your interest, cooperation, and understanding as well as your patience with me.  Thank you for your interest and participation in the LHS 50th Reunion.  Hope to see you all again real soon.  Y'all come back now, y'hear?


Gail (Holton) Berk, Event Coordinator

Final Shout-Out

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