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Elementary School Classmates

6th Grade

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How many can you identify without looking?

James Madison Elementary

Courtesy of Gail (Holton) Berk


Top Row:  #1 Bruce Whitlock, #2 Katy McGuire, #3 Kathy Dambacher, #4 Sheila Newcomer, #5 Diane Back, #6 Connie Hensley,

          #7 Barbara Malley

Row 2:  #1 Jack Pfeifer, #2 Linda Maison, #4 Sue Rochambeau, #5 Patty Lyle, #6 Julie Skelton, #7 Anne Simoneau, #8 Odettte Olivier,

          #9 Gail Holton

Row 3:  #1 Dave Sauro, #2 George Morales, #3 Armond Sumner, #4 Charlie Blackburn, #5 Tom Spirlong, #6 Don Galbraith,

          #8 Kathy Pence, #9 Karen Stanfill

Row 4:  #1 Patrick Lewis, #2 Ken Little, #3 Tom Zychek, #4 Mike Hutchings, #5 Steve Funk, #6 Lanny Badten, #7 Terry Hodge,

          #8 Tim Little, #9 Steve Lind


If you know someone who has not been identified in the photo above, please contact us with identification using the following message box.  Be sure to include the row and position of student.

James Madison Elementary

Courtesy of Gentry Edes


Top Row:  #1 Cherie Edwards, #2 Judy Dukart, #3 Diane Butler, #5 Peggy Galentine, #7 Sandy Robertson

Row 2:  #1 Roger LeBrun, #2 Bill McCune, #3 Larry Krogsdale, #4 Paul May, #5 Mike Squires, #6 Don Yuric, #7 Bruce Melsheimer,

          #8 Barry Wudel, #9 Ray Francis

Row 3:  #1 Linda Bristol, #2 Rene Pagan, #3 Jim Lake, #4 Fred Scuncio, #5 Gentry Edes, #7 Sue Chmura, #8 Chris Bender,

          #9 Connie Magnham

Row 4:  #1 Helen Willing, #2 Carol Roberts, #4 Gerry Hartmaier, #5 Debbie Clayton, #6 Danny Brady, #7 Albert Leon, #8 John Spousta


If you know someone who has not been identified in the photo above, please contact us with identification using the following message box.  Be sure to include the row and position of student.

James Madison Elementary

Courtesy of Dale McLain


Top Row:  #1 Belinda Kaylor, #2 Sue Lind, #3 Cheralyn Gullion, #4 Sharon Bailey, #5 Carol Mullins, #7 Nita Hendricks, #8 Denise Daly

Row 2:  #1 Lynne Gagnon, #2 Connie Bretz, #3 Cathy Herrold, #4 Linda Fuller, #5 Charlene Mangold, #6 Janet Lown, #8 Tracy Garnett,

          #9 Barbie Lee

Row 3:  #1 Steven Addis, #2 Russell Eckenboy, #3 Steve Schroeder, #5 Chris Thompson, #6 Gayle Hartman, #8 Richard Davison,

          #9 Donny Mercado

Row 4:  #1 Fred Davis, #3 Don Moore, #4 Steve Hurd, #5 Ginnete Keeler, #6 Pam Knowlton, #7 Pam Baker, #8 Dale McLain,

          #9 Ron Swenson


If you know someone who has not been identified in the photo above, please contact us with identification using the following message box.  Be sure to include the row and position of student.

James Madison Elementary

Courtesy of Katie (McArthur) Fitzpatrick


Top Row:  #1 Barbara Stevenson, #2 Helen Parrish, #3 Sharon Fulton, #4 Christine Webb, #5 Sue Iseli, #6 Katie McArthur, #7 Fran Zurek

     #8 Carol Wilson

Row 2:  #1 Ray Pouliot, #2 Stewart Slykhous, #3 Don Drummond, #4 Charlie Eckert, #5 Mike Evans ?, #6 Jack Gerstkemper,

     #8 Nick Powell

Row 3:  #1 Linda Britt, #2 Marlene ?, #3 Sue Dedrick, #4 Charlie Hanson, #5 Kathy Brown, #6 Marcia Hastings, #7 Barbara Drainville,

      #8 Barbara Hall, #9 Deanne ?

Row 4:  #2 Allan Pollchik, #3 Tommy Thompson, #7 Paul Murdoch, #8 Bill Hudson, #9 Cindy Ditmar


If you know someone who has not been identified in the photo above, please contact us with identification using the following message box.  Be sure to include the row and position of student.

Katella Elementary

Courtesy of Linda (Parker) Adams


Top Row:  #1 Gini Dragt, #2 Kathy Cox, #3 Peggy Crews, #4 Cheri Lessley, #5 Elaine Ford, #6 Patricia Mues, #7 Pam Maahs,

          #8 Gary Green, #9 Cuba Reed

Row 2:  #1 David Meister, #2 Jim Gleason, #3 Thomas Threinen, #4 Fred Davis, #5 John Meier, #6 Donna Krause, #8 Carol Bregder,

          #9 Linda Parker

Row 3:  #1 Greg Waddell, #2 Pat Karpinski, #3 Nancy Crouse, #4 Loretta Hill, #5 Ana Maria, #6 John Scoby, #7 Janice Herbert,

          #8 Larry Krogsdale, #9 Mike Swearingen

Row 4:  #1 Mark Lindersmith, #2 Rick Harvey, #3 John Replogle, #4 Craig Turner, #6 Sydnee Arth, #7 Linda Mantay, #8 Kathy Edgell,

          #9 Wayne Holder

Row 5:  #1 Melody Taber, #9 Rick Hand


If you know someone who has not been identified in the photo above, please contact us with identification using the following message box.  Be sure to include the row and position of student.

Katella Elementary

Courtesy of Phil Delgado


Top Row:  #2 Jan Andrade, #4 Mike Perkins, #5 Dan Teztlaff, #7 Gordon Gibbons, #8 Van Crawford

Row 2:  #1 Chris Thierback, #2 Jeff Koskela, #3 Don Crawford, #4 Paul Losness, #7 Linda Bates, #8 Kathy Hughes

Row 3:  #1 Peggy Bryan, #2 Carol Hartman, #3 Chris Scholl, #5 David Boone, #6 Don Plecher, #7 Joey McDonald, #8 Ted Chetakian,

          #9 Phil Delgado

Row 4:  #3 Nonee Wilson, #8 Louise Osing, #9 Larry Foote 

Row 5:  #1 Joel Lee, #8 Rick Naverrete


If you know someone who has not been identified in the photo above, please contact us with identification using the following message box.  Be sure to include the row and position of student.

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